
Journalism > VELVET tomorrow, 1st look!

Above you can take a 1st look at the special edition of Velvet magazine that is called: Velvet Tomorrow. You can buy the issue (with the postcards, the limited edition vinyl e.t.c.) for 10 euros!!! The issue will be released in the upcoming 5th Velvet Festival, that starts this Monday @ bios!

Don't miss it!

P.S. My article in this issue is about the Greek-Comics-Scene during the '00s!!!


Angelina said...

hello...ektos apo to bios meta tha kukloforisei pouthena to velvet tomorrow???

One Man Show said...

geia xara Angelina,

99% tha kikloforisei kai allou (sigoura se "vinyl microstore" apo oti mporo na fadasto kai isos kana Papasotiriou???)

gia perissoteres plirofories epikoinonise me ta paidia tou velvet, apeftheias >>> 210 33 14 923


Angelina said...

ok.....se euxaristw polu pados.... :)

Angelina said...

Polu kalo to velvet tomorrow!!to pira kai mou arese arketa mporw..wraia douleia!!an kai akrivo...16 eurw..oso na nai...
mono p dn mporw na akousw to vinylio :(