
Happy Birthday to me: My BRAND-NEW website is up!!!

Today, it's my birthday! I'm turning 33 years old and a bit wiser. As a present to myself, I made a new-site (it's wordpress based) and I uploaded it some minutes ago.

You may visit it here: www.onemanshowstudio.com

I like this site much more than the last one, mostly because each project has now at least one tag (category), so you can browse the site as you like. Another thing that I like is that the template/theme that I used for the new site, is grid-based (omg! I love grids so much).

Feel free to send me your feedback on the new site. I've uploaded some new projects also, from the last months' works (oh, and FINALLY, some of my "photography" projects). The site is still a work-in-progress project. I want to upload many more projects from the last couple of years (from now on, I will upload projects mostly on weekends).

That's all for now. So.... happy birthday to me!

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